Hubert Norek
Attorney at law
Company wind-up
The continued existence of the company may often not be needed or even possible for various reasons. If such reasons are related to the current shareholders only, the company may be sold, merged or divided. However, if it is not an option, usually the best solution is to wind it up. For example, it may be useful to wind up companies established only for a specific, completed business project, e.g. real estate development. The need for liquidation of a company may also result from the unsuccessful takeover of a family business by way of succession. In some cases a company must be wound up because of a conflict between its shareholders, resulting in the company's dissolution by court.
In each of the aforementioned cases, we are able to offer legal assistance to both shareholders and liquidators during the entire company liquidation process. The scope of our works includes formal acts initiating and completing liquidation (e.g. filing of appropriate applications with the court and offices, invitation to creditors to submit their claims) and assistance to the liquidator with a wide range of actions aimed at terminating the company's business and distributing its remaining assets, if any.
As our experience shows, various problems may arise during liquidation, including very specific issues which do not occur in the ordinary course of the company's business but can be effectively resolved with our help. In some cases, depending on the specific situation of the wound up company and the support of accounting services, we are able to act almost completely in lieu of shareholders and liquidators during the liquidation process.
Key contacts

Hubert Norek
Attorney at law

Michał Wojciechowski
Of counsel
Attorney at law
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