Hubert Norek
Attorney at law
Sale and purchase of real estate
Our specialists have so far participated in the transactions of sale and purchase of real estate including individual premises, undeveloped land and whole commercial (office, hotel, retail and warehouse) buildings. We are perfectly aware of how important it is for you to feel safe and to have your interests in the transaction properly secured.
That is why, we provide advice already at the stage of preparation for the transaction. We verify and regulate the legal status of real estate in a land and mortgage register, analyse potential risks concerning any burdens and restrictions concerning a given real estate. Our lawyers prepare comprehensive due diligence reports and advise on the elimination or minimisation of any problems identified during such analysis.
Plans for sale or purchase of real estate often involve the need to develop a transaction concept and a plan for financing the purchase of such real estate, with tax implications also taken into consideration. We have successfully prepared such concepts for our Clients on numerous occasions.
Our Law Firm can help you also with relations with entities providing funds for the purchase of real estate, including both external investors and financial institutions. We negotiate also terms of performance securities guaranteeing proper performance of contracts under which such funds are provided.
We draft and review preliminary and final ownership transfer agreements and we represent Clients during the negotiations of the terms of real estate purchase or sale.
We have extensive experience in providing services regarding real estate transactions for businesses in the agricultural sector. Our specialists provide advice on the sale and purchase of agricultural properties, taking the specifics of such transactions into consideration, in particular individual restrictions on their acquisition and the powers of the Agricultural Property Agency. It's only in the last two years that we have participated in transactions involving real estate of the total area of almost 2 thousand hectares.
Key contacts

Hubert Norek
Attorney at law

Agata Pawlak-Jaszczak
Attorney at law

Michał Wojciechowski
Of counsel
Attorney at law
Due diligence in solar farms
Purchasing an apartment in the mountains or by the sea