
Attorney at law

Solar farms

We help individual investors and companies who implement PV projects to deal with complicated procedures concerning the purchase of land for photovoltaic installations and the installation itself.


Today, expanding the facilities for private photovoltaic systems turns out to be the most effective choice in the process of energy transformation in Poland. Solar farms are an opportunity for small and large investors to co-create advanced projects that are carried out with respect for nature. In addition, when investing in solar farms, you can now expect immediate financial support, which clearly reduces the investment risk. Solar farms are also an attractive investment for people who want to lease their land for installation, providing a reliable and stable income. All this makes business entities increasingly interested in the construction of photovoltaic installations, and the renewable energy sector is becoming an interesting option for investors seeking effective ways to invest their capital.


We provide assistance to energy companies, investors who are planning to enter the renewable energy sector and landowners who would like to lease their land for other entities to carry out their investments.


To help you in this field we can:


  • analyse the legal status of the real estate on which the RES investment is planned, including analysing the legal title to the land, the possibility of purchasing it (when dealing with agricultural land) and the intended use of the property in planning documents,
  • prepare, review or negotiate the terms of transactions aimed at acquiring the title to the land,
  • prepare, review or negotiate the terms of long-term land lease agreements,
  • carry out the process of changing the status of an agricultural property, which involves assessing the possibilities of such a procedure, its complexity and costs in relation to a specific real estate, and helping you through the subsequent stages of the procedure,
  • prepare your investment, including representation in obtaining all kinds of approvals, opinions, decisions, changes to the land development study and adopting a new local spatial development plan or changes to it,
  • prepare all the necessary contracts during the implementation of the investment and managing the installation, for example, design, service, distribution and connection contracts,
  • represent you in proceedings related to obtaining permits and licenses, proceedings before the Energy Regulatory Office and the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection, 
  • structure the planned activity, including finding the appropriate form of business.

Key contacts

Agata Pawlak-Jaszczak

Attorney at law

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Adrianna Janicka


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Agricultural land lease agreement for a solar farm


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Building a solar farm on agricultural land


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Due diligence in solar farms


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Solar farms and property tax


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Building a solar farm step by step


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Selling "ready to build" solar farms


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